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If your club is having an off grounds activity and you want to be covered for insurance under TAA, please make sure the following has been done:

1. Your club membership application form, Risk Audit and members TAA membership fees are up to date.
2. If you have any off-site club activity, event or temporary grounds change you MUST have this activity noted on your club calendar and a Club Temporary Location or Event Safety Audit Form completed and submitted 14 days prior to the event with the TAA Executive Committee. Forms available on our website under documents. Confirmation of this form must be acknowledged and received in writing by your club from the TAA Executive Committee prior to the event.
3. Any hunting activity must be recorded with your club and a Hunt Safety Audit Form completed and filed with your club. If you are not a club member your form can be lodged with TAA. E:


If your club or members are not compliant your club and members could not be covered under our insurance policy.

Insurance coverage
Please refer to the insurance policy under documents on our website for further detailed information.
Overall, you, your club members and visitors are covered for public liability and professional indemnity insurance. Covering injury and professional indemnity for club officials.
You and your committee have a duty of care to ensure safety standards are maintained and improved according to your annual safety Audit. The audit form is currently sent out with your annual club membership renewal form.


Your Club is Not Covered for the following under TAA insurance
Open fires
Horse Archery
Property Damage or theft
Archery activities in any other area apart from your designated grounds or approved temporary grounds.

More details are available in the insurance policy. You should always refer to this policy for more information.



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