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Information for Affiliated or Affiliation Curious Clubs

TAA’s Mission Statement is: “Promote and Protect Traditional Archery in all forms” Hunting, Field, and Target Archery.
We are a not for profit organisation, run entirely by volunteers. The TAA Committee always try to offer the most cost-effective options for members and affiliated clubs.

TAA is a member of the Archery Alliance and all the benefits that come with this alliance.

TAA is helpful to all its clubs but is particularly supportive of small clubs who struggle with rising costs. Traditional Archery has a strong craft leaning and archers often find each other to share and swap craft items and ideas. The number of crafts is unique to trad archery.


TAA is a family, we support each other. Respect for each other and courtesy is a cornerstone of TAA, bullying in any form is not tolerated.

TAA is not a Governing Body, so how you run your club is up to you. However you do have responsibilities as an affiliated club to adhere to the TAA constitution and the conditions of the TAA insurance Policy. TAA membership for all your clubs regular members is mandatory.


TAA help clubs advertise all Musters and Club shoots, our affiliated clubs run them.
The TAA National Muster is the only time TAA asks that the TAA Shoot and Equipment Guidelines are followed.

Clubs apply to hold a muster for the following year. The shoot fee is determined by the club, however a portion will be retained by TAA.  At TAA Musters TAA can sell their merchandise and sign up and renew memberships. Clubs unsure on their ability to hold a muster are encouraged to contact TAA to discuss options.
The Club hosting a muster organises their own canteen and raffle and keep all of those profits along with their agreed shoot fee.


Each club elects a TAA Rep to liaise with the TAA Club Co-Ordinator. Regular rep meetings are held on Zoom. Updates can be fed back to the clubs.
Facebook - Traditional Archery Australia inc keeps you up to date with current events. The private members only group is a place to exchange ideas and connect.
Our Newsletter ~ Sticks and Strings a roughly quarterly, digital magazine on the TAA web page and Facebook. Clubs are encouraged to add content.


Traditional Skills:
TAA is committed to preserving Traditional Skills, we encourage and support our clubs sharing knowledge with their members. Contact our Traditional Skills Officer for more information.


All clubs are encouraged to have accredited TAA instructors. The TAA instructor’s course is over seen by the National Coaching Officer. Facilitators are available in all states and courses can be organised at



Do all club members need to be TAA members? ~ Yes. It is not only a requirement of TAAs insurance policy it is a condition of TAAs constitution (S3.1 1) ) and forms part of the agreement you sign as a club when affiliating and renewing.

What about visitors? ~ Visitors can sign in as such 3 times in a year, then they are expected to join TAA and your club.

Are we covered for hunting? ~ If you complete a Hunting Audit Form and it is passed to TAA or your club prior to each hunt.

Is the club covered for come and try days? Yes but this must be on your calendar. TAA also offer a 3 month Provisional Membership through our clubs. Clubs must keep an up to date calendar and submit a copy to TAA for the website.

Can the club have a special day at another venue? Yes but only if a Temporary Relocation/Event Audit form has been lodged and approved by the TAA management committee prior to the event. If approved your club will receive written approval, only then will the event be covered by TAAs insurer.  The event must also be on the club calendar submitted to TAA (listing the event on the club calendar does not constitute approval).


Can our club have a Second Grounds? Yes, you may apply for a second grounds, but only a ground adjacent to the current range will be accepted. Subject to TAA committee approval. This is done in writing to the TAA Secretary, the Temporary Relocation/Event Audit form is not to be used for this purpose.


What about members with Compound Bows and Carbon Arrows? Although TAA does not have any competitive divisions for this equipment in our Muster Guidelines, and Currently the National Muster is open only to Traditional equipment. Archers should not be discriminated against for their choice of equipment, TAA is an inclusive organisation based of camaraderie and respect. TAA is also not a governing body, so your club may make its own rules concerning appropriate archery equipment and the rules for your club based activities.

Any more Questions? hit the contact us or email the TAA Secretary


Thinking of Affiliating

Contact us on the link below for an information pack, its easier than you think.

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